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The Laboratory of Plasma Studies at Cornell University, directed by AEP professor Gennady Shvets, has joined the Inertial Fusion Science and Technology Hub, a...
For nearly six decades, Cornell’s Laboratory of Plasma Studies (LPS) has remained at the forefront of plasma science – a tradition its incoming director, Gennady Shvets,...
The Fusion Industry Association (FIA), of which LPS is a member, released its third annual fusion industry report on July 13 titled, The Global Fusion Industry in 2023, In it,...
PhD student Joshua Luoma has been awarded the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship (DOE NNSA LRGF) The...
Jason graduated from Cornell in December 2021 Jason will stay on at Cornell as a PostDoc doing research using the 3D Perseus code with the improved 13-Moment transport model...